Pitiful. Desperate sums it up perfectly.

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Do they even know what Covid is? I read somewhere they still have no stable isolated virus.

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I think this is one of those things that is legally true but it is true without any real meaning. It's like saying we have the full digital text of a book but don't have a hardback copy. We still know pretty much everything about the book including it's existence.

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I will be so glad that by the end of the year, this test will go off the market. I wonder though what they will test with then? And I thought they did not test vaccinated ones to begin with? They now turned politicians. They don't know what they are doing or saying anymore. Is there space in the psychiatric ward for these people???

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Hmmm . . . . No COVID with COVID-like illness? Sounds like the vax might have put them in the hospital then, eh?

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Looks like ADE of other coronavirus. OC43.

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A weird article in the Belgian press states that more than half of the hospitalized covid patients are vaccinated, but it is still the UNvaccinated fourth wave. They substract children, not yet allowed to be jabbed, and then divide the hospitalizations again. The vaccinated are mostly older, 65+ and even more 75+. the unvaccinated are somewhat younger. Then they conclude that 220 hospitalizations could have been avoided.... they saw that in their crystal ball I suppose.

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That matches up with the UK pretty well. Virtually all the bad outcomes are 50+. 97% of deaths are 50+ and 92% are 60+. And 78% of deaths are fully vaccinated.

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